Marina Ross (b. 1990 Former Soviet Union) is an artist and instructor based in Chicago. She earned her MFA in painting from the University of Iowa in 2018 and her BFA in painting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2012. Her work has been exhibited in New York at Sugarlift, Friday Studio Gallery, Art Helix, and Highline Stages and throughout Chicago at Goldfinch Gallery, Heaven Gallery, The Franklin, Sulk, ARTRUSS, and Baby Blue Gallery, among others. Her work has been funded by DCASE, the Illinois Arts Council, Loyola University, and The Stanley Award for International Graduate Research from The University of Iowa to attend the Saint Petersburg Artist Residency in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Her work is in numerous public and private collections. She runs a critique group for professional artists in Chicago and teaches art at Loyola University Chicago.